Love to the Family!

Evelyn Sullen Smith: Love to the Family!

Evelyn Sullen Smith

Intro to Tight “Genes” - A podcast peek into a multigenerational, multicultural family infused with current topics and a whole lot of laughs! Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash:

Luokat: Lapset ja perhe

Kuuntele viimeinen jakso:

Intro to one of the most fun, dynamic multicultural multigenerational families you will ever meet from the motor city!

Aikaisemmat jaksot

  • 3 - Tight Genes - A family Podcast coming soon in 2019 . . . Please pardon our dust!!!  
    Sat, 01 Dec 2018
  • 2 - It’s going down! Tight Genes is going live in 2019!!! Stay tuned . . .  
    Fri, 30 Nov 2018
  • 1 - I love my FAMILY! 
    Wed, 28 Nov 2018
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